Sunday, May 27, 2007

two weeks on my own

Jim has been in the states for one week now and I am really missing him now. So, I thought I would indulge myself and post a few pics of our anniversary hike. We went to the town of Pescaglia, a little town in the Garfagnana region of Tuscany, to picnic and hike back in the mountains. It is truly an exceptional place and for us a great anniversary. We hiked up about 1,000 feet and down into the ravine with the water fall about 150 feet. We felt like people several hundred years must have felt, no cars, no noise, no pollution and no people. Just us, the lizards and the beautiful sounds of a waterfall. It really is the simple things in life. Our favorite find in Italy so far lives here and works here, we will post about him later. So, in tribute to our wonderful day and our fantastic eight years of marriage, I am posting in Jim's place today. It will be nice to have him back next week!

1 comment:

Dawn said...


I finally got the opportunity to view your blog. I can't wait until we get to Lucca this September. We have to make a trip out to see the blacksmith and I'd also like to visit with you and Sherri all of the true hidden gems around Lucca. If we go diving I promise to rent a rope for you to hold on to. Ron